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Indonesian Food - Nasi Goreng

It is not known exactly where the origin of fried rice comes from because in addition to Indonesia, fried rice is also commonly found in other countries. Therefore, to make fried rice as a typical Indonesian food, people make fried rice by carrying the distinctive culinary characteristics of the archipelago, which is a lot of spices. Talking about taste, surely fried rice from Indonesia has a taste that is champion and may be pitted with fried rice from other countries.

Fried rice itself is food in the form of rice fried in soy sauce and other spices which are then stirred until the rice turns browned as a sign that soy sauce has permeated and spread to all the rice. After the rice is fried, the rice is then poured in a plate. To provide a rich flavor, usually rice is added with fillings such as eggs, chicken, crackers, slices of cucumber, slices of sausage, salted fish, and much more, depending on taste.


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Author: admin
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