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Indonesian Food - Soto

Soto is a typical culinary archipelago in the form of a soup dish made from meat and vegetable broth. There are two types of soup that are popular in Indonesia, namely chicken or meat soup and soup noodles. Besides these two types, actually there are still many types of soto which are also tasty and appetizing, say soto padang, madura, soto babat, soto kambing, soto banjar, soto medan, and many more. Giving the name Soto usually refers to the area of ​​origin or composition of the material used.

Each type of soto has different ways of serving according to the peculiarities of each region. Soto can be served alone or immediately eaten without additives or with additions such as rice, rice cake, rice cake, rice noodles or noodles along with the filling. There are also complementary menus such as crackers, crackers, cakes, quail eggs, satay, koya, and chili sauce. In a number of cities, such as Jakarta, there are many soto sellers. Not only Soto Betawi is sold, but there are also stalls that specialize in selling soto from areas outside Jakarta.


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Author: admin
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