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Indonesian Food - Bakso

Meatballs are a rich Indonesian specialty that has many fans, ranging from parents to children. Meat balls called meatballs offer a taste that is difficult to resist by many tongue residents of the archipelago. Talking about meatballs, in Indonesia there are famous meatballs, especially in cities on the island of Java where there are many sellers of meatballs from the base or around who label their carts with the words "Bakso Malang".

Lots of meatballs are bought when the weather is not friendly. Warm beef broth and spicy flavor from chili mixed into one can make the body feel warm. In one bowl or portion of meatballs usually consist of meatballs, dumplings, yellow noodles, rice noodles, dumpling crackers, bean sprouts, tofu, eggs, and sprinkles of fried onions. Meatballs are easy to find snacks. The price is cheap and the delicious taste makes many people like this food.


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Author: admin
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