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Indonesian Food - Satay

Indonesian Food - Satay

Satay is a popular Indonesian food in the world which is generally made from the basic ingredients of chicken or beef which are cut into pieces and then stabbed with sticks. After the pieces of meat are lined up neatly in each stab, each subsequent puncture is burned until cooked. Just like sambal, satay is a typical Indonesian food consisting of various variants, from selected meat, ingredients used for spices, to stab used.

Meat that is usually chosen to be satay includes chicken, goat, beef, lamb, rabbit, pig, horse, and others. In Indonesia alone there are satay from regions that have  spread to many cities, such as satay padang which is a food from West Sumatra. Aside from satay padang, there are still other tasty and unique satay, such as fresh satay, satay lilit, satay pentul, satay plecing, satay lokan, satay maranggi, satay buntel [from Jogja], satay pencok [from Lombok, and satay-satay others.
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Author: admin
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