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Indonesian tourist spots - Komodo island

The existence of the island of Komodo is one gift that is very meaningful for Indonesia. The island which has become one of the centers of tourist attractions in East Nusa Tenggara is starting to get the attention of many foreign tourists.

The main thing that is interesting is the existence of one of the endemic animals, Komodo. This reptile itself is an endemic animal that only exists in the Komodo island. If we see the reptile of dragons in other countries' zoos, we can be sure that these animals originated from Komodo Island.

In addition to the existence of unique and unique Komodo dragons, another thing that makes this island well known is its amazing natural beauty. If you visit here we will be greeted with beautiful beaches. Then the typical ecosystem of the Komodo Island is also very interesting and amazing. The surrounding residents were also very friendly and very welcomed the arrival of tourists visiting their place. In addition, the existing facilities and infrastructure are very pampering and very supportive for the Komodo Island as well as being one of the wonders of the world.


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Author: admin
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