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Although many animals are poisonous in this world, but there are some animals that are exposed to the poison, they die directly in humans. For this reason, I present article 8: The Poison of the Most Deadly Animal in the World in the hope that you will be more vigilant and careful to face these animals in daily life in your environment.

1. (StoneFish)

Stone fish, Synanceia verrucosa, also referred to as coral or dornorn, is a carnivorous fish with poisonous needles that live on the bottom of a coral reef, camouflaged as a rock. This fish is the most poisonous fish in the world. This fish has a length of about 30-40 cm.
Stone Fish is one of the deadliest fish in the world. The shape is very scary for the size of a fish. But inside it is stored a poison that is very dangerous if it is bitten by humans. The poison will quickly spread to the heart channel and cause the victim to die if it is not quickly amputated. Toxins in these fish are stored in thorns on the outside of their skin which are designed to injure predators that threaten their safety. This fish lives a lot in the tropics and in shallow marine waters in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.

2. Brazillian Wandering Spider

Phoneutria is a genus of venomous spiders in the Ctenidae family that have the potential to be medically important for humans. They are mainly found in tropical South America, with one species in Central America.

This type of spider is one of the spiders that has been listed in the 2007 Guinness Book of Record as the most poisonous spider that has caused many deaths in humans. Brazillian Wandering (Phoneutia) or Banana Spider has the most dangerous neorotoxin toxins from all types of poisonous spiders. Only 0.06 mg of poison is enough to kill a mouse. These spiders live migratory or nomadic and often hide during the day in high population areas such as houses, clothes, shoes and cars.

3. Poison Dart Forg

Toxic frogs with colors such as sapphire blue, are common names of a group of frogs in the Dendrobatidae family which are native to Central and South American frogs.

This colorful frog with a very striking color is not only beautiful to look at but also beautiful if we know that this type of frog is the most poisonous frog in the world. This type of frog is widely found in South and Central America. The Golden Dark frog, measuring 2 inches, can kill 10 adults or equal to 20,000 rats. Only with 2 micrograms of this poison can it kill an adult human or another living creature. In Americans, this type of frog is called a "Dart Frog" or an arrow frog. Because they used the secretions of these frog poisons to be inscribed on the tip of their inflatable arrows. The poison in the frog is stored in the skin and killed other creatures by simply touching or eating it. So the colorful skin is the source of the poison.

4. Puffer fish

Tetraodontidae is a family of estuarine and sea fish originating from the order Tetraodontiformes. Morphologically, similar fishes belonging to this family are similar to porcupine fish which have large broad spine.

Pufferfish are generally believed to be the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world after the Poison Dart Frog. Oragan in these fish like the liver and also the trowels are very poisonous if eaten. But meat from some of these fish spices is made food in Japan, Korea and China. This type of fish lives in tropical waters. They have small to medium size.

5. Inland Taipan Snake

Inland tycoons, also commonly known in Australia as western tycoons, small scales or ferocious snakes, are very deadly types of serpent clans from the Oxyuranus clan Elapidae tribes that are endemic in the semi-arid region of central Australia.

This snake is usually olive or dark brown. The rather dark head has an average length of 1.8 - 3.7 meters living in Northem Australia and South New Guinea. This snake has the most poisonous poison from all land snakes in the world. The maximum yield registered for one gigigtan is 110 mg enough to kill 100 adult humans or 250,000 rats.

With LD / 50 from 0.03 mg / Kg, it is ten times more venomous than Mojave Rattlesnake and 50 times more than Cobra Snake.

Fortunately, Taipan Snakes are not too aggressive and are rarely encountered by humans in the wild. No one has ever survived a bite and if the bite can result the victim dies in less than 45 minutes.

6. Blue Octopus Ring

The southern blue ring octopus is one of three species of highly venomous blue ring octopus. Most often found in tidal pools along the southern coast of Australia. As an adult, it can grow up to 20 centimeters and the average weight is 26 grams.
With a very small size that is only about the size of a golf ball, but by divers the Blue Ring Octopus is very fearful of its existence. The poison that it carries can kill 26 adult humans in minutes. If bitten, the victim will not feel the slightest pain but without feeling the victim will feel the muscle fatigue that attacks the lungs and heart. Octopus Blue Rings are often found in the Pacific Ocean, Japanese waters and Australia.

7. Marbled Cone Snail

Conus marmoreus, the common name "marble cone", is a species of predatory sea slug, marine gastropod mollusk in the Conidae family, cone snails, cone cones or cones. This is the type of species for the Conus genus. This is a species that is believed to eat most marine mollusks including other cone snails.

This snail kills its prey with poison. It is said that one drop of poison can kill more than 20 adult humans.

Marlbed Cone lives a lot in warm salt water environments. The beautiful shape should not tease you to take it. Because it's so exposed to the concoction, you will feel tremendous pain following tingling, swelling, numbness, muscle paralysis, shortness of breath and death. Until now there has been no antidote if exposed to this snail type poison.

8. Jellyfish

The award for the world's number one poisonous animal is still held by Jellyfish. It took less than 5 minutes for this poison to make the victim die immediately. Since 1954 the death toll has been recorded as many as 5,567 people have died. Jellyfish are found in many Asian and Australian waters.

Well that's the 8 Poisons of the Most Deadly Animals in the World so that you are more alert when you find them in your life.


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