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Indonesian Food - Gado-Gado

If fried rice is considered a modern food, then for this one typical Indonesian food, gado-gado, is a traditional food that still exists today. According to Wikipedia, hodgepodge comes from the Betawi land. Gado-gado is a healthy traditional dish because it is dominated by ingredients derived from vegetables.
In one portion of gado-gado, there are many types of boiled vegetables, such as long beans, bean sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, young jackfruit, tomatoes, boiled potatoes, hard boiled eggs, tempeh, tofu, shelled corn, and other vegetables such as carrots and cucumber slices. Before the vegetables are put together, usually in a container or mortar to make gado-gado first made chili sauce or peanut sauce which will later become the main seasoning for these vegetables.


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Author: admin
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