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Indonesian Food - Nasi Uduk

Nasi uduk which is a typical Indonesian food originating from Betawi-Jakarta. Uuduk rice is different from white rice in general. If white rice is cooked directly in a rice cooker, it is different from nasi uduk, where the rice must be diaron first with coconut milk, bay leaves, orange leaves, lemongrass, and laos. After finishing diaron nasi uduk then dikukush ingga cooked so as to produce a savory taste of rice and fragrant aroma.

Suduk rice is usually eaten with additional dishes such as sliced ​​omelet, orek tempeh, fried shrimp, empal, and even asem or lalapan vegetables. Currently rice uduk has spread to various regions so that the composition of the materials used also begins to vary. But the most common nasi uduk is served with a sprinkling of fried onions, side dishes in the form of tofu, tempeh, and fried chicken, and red candlenut sauce or peanut sauce.


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Author: admin
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