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Indonesain Food - Nasi Padang

Indonesia has an abundant culinary wealth, from the west to the east. Like in West Sumatra, precisely in Padang, there are rice dishes that are so legendary and have traveled to other cities, even outside the country. Rice field can be regarded as rice which is favored by 90% of Indonesia's population. A delicious taste and so typical of making nasi padang always gets the best place in the hearts of its lovers.

Reviewing about nasi padang, not only talking about rice, but also the whole side dishes which taste famous for being spicy and coconut milk. There are various choices of side dishes that can be chosen on this typical Indonesian food originating from West Sumatra. Starting from the most common ones such as grilled chicken, fried chicken, grilled fish, fried fish, to side dishes that also come from Sumatra, like the most famous rendang.


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Author: admin
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