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Indonesian Food - Gudeg

Culinary wealth of the archipelago can be found in almost every city in Indonesia. Like in Yogyakarta, there is a famous special food called gudeg. In fact, the city of Yogyakarta itself is nicknamed the City of Gudeg because it is a place of birth for food that is very familiar to the people of Indonesia. Gudeg is a traditional food that has sweet taste as a characteristic of Javanese cuisine in general.

The main ingredients for making warm are young jackfruit, boiled eggs, tofu, tempeh, and chicken. Not infrequently when serving it is also easy to eat with fresh cow skin or sambal goreng krecek. Gudeg consists of several types, the famous ones are dry warm and warm warm. The difference between the two types of warm-up lies in the use of coconut milk. If the warm dry coconut milk is a little, then the wet warmer contains more coconut milk or coconut milk.


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Author: admin
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