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Indonesian Food - Empal Gentong

Typical food from Cirebon, West Java, with the name Empal Gentong is a food made using beef with the cooking process using a barrel. Clay or clay pots will be used as cooking media so that the taste of the meat is more distinctive, as well as the use of firewood from mango trees, which both produce a distinctive taste. Later the meat which is usually in the form of intestines, tripe, and the meat itself will be included in the barrel and the end result is processed with soft texture.

Empal will be very delicious to be eaten with additional rice or pieces of rice cake beside it, and sometimes also added dried chili as a sauce. With a tender taste of meat and a savory blend of spices that soak in the meat, it is certain that many people will like it. Especially in Cirebon many restaurants to sell stalls at affordable prices.


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Author: admin
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