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Indonesian tourist spots - Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Traveling to Jakarta does not only go to luxury malls, Monas, or Ancol. Try to visit the Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park (TMII) located in East Jakarta. This park consists of Indonesian culture which covers various aspects of the archipelago's daily life.

Officially opened on April 20, 1975, TMII became a suitable destination visited by children and families. In this place, children can learn various Indonesian cultures from various miniatures of each region. Replica buildings in various provinces are all in TMII.

In addition to replicas of regional houses, in TMII we can also see clothing and regional dances, which are packed in an interesting museum. In total there are around 19 museums in TMII, including the transportation museum, sports museum, to the electric museum.

This 150-hectare park offers interesting destinations for recreation, including cable cars, mas keong theater, Snowbay Waterpark, to the palaces of Indonesian children. There are also various types of parks, such as cactus parks, orchid gardens, bird parks, to Chinese cultural parks.

Uniquely, in the middle of TMII there is a lake that depicts the miniature of the Indonesian archipelago. To see the miniature of this island, we just need to take a cable car, so that along the way we will see various miniature sightings of islands in Indonesia.

At TMII we can also see platforms from various regions throughout Indonesia. Also prepare a camera to take pictures in front of these platforms, as if we were in the area. Exciting, right?

Sedikit sejarah tentang dibangunnya TMII. Taman ini diprakarsai oleh Ibu Negara, Siti Hartinah atau dikenal dengan sebutan Ibu Tien Soeharto, istri Presiden Soeharto. Hal ini tercetus pada tahun 1970. Melalui miniatur Indonesia ini diharapkan dapat membangkitkan rasa bangga dan rasa cinta tanah air pada seluruh bangsa Indonesia

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Author: admin
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