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Indonesian tourist spots - Lake Toba

Medan is one of the big cities in Indonesia that has a myriad of good tourism. Tourism in this region starts to be glimpsed and will be used as a new Bali. As we all know, the foundation of Indonesian tourism is still on the Island of the Gods. This is done so that Indonesia's tourism area is evenly distributed and not only in one region.

Well, the beauty of Medan that is being prepared is Lake Toba which has various interesting stories to listen to. This area is actually no stranger to native friends. Intrigued by the beauty of Lake Toba? let's look at the following exploration results.

Around Lake Toba

This is the charm of North Sumatra that can be used as a new paradise and a new gate to visit Indonesia. This waters has a length of approximately 100km and a width of 30km. This area is very wide, so it is not surprising that many tourists visit this place. There are also foreign tourists who try to glance at the place.

Well, Lake Toba is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia which, according to researchers, was formed from a very severe eruption from Mount Toba. This mountain erupted 74,000 years ago and killed nearly 60 percent of the creatures on earth.

Mount Toba

Let's flick a bit of Mount Toba which turned out to be the forerunner of the formation of this super-small area. Mount Toba has erupted 3 times. Where the first eruption formed the caldera on the southern side of the Prapat and Porsea region and occurred 800 thousand years ago.

The second eruption occurred 500 thousand years ago with a small eruption. So as to produce the caldera in Sisilalahi and Haranggaol. And the last one as mentioned above happened 74 thousand years ago and formed Lake Toba and in the middle there was the island of Samosir.

Gunung Toba ini adalah gunung berapi yang mengelilingi Danau Toba dan Pulau Samosir, dan konon gunung ini akan aktif kembali. Hanya saja tidak tahu kapan akan aktif kembali. Gunung ini terletak di tempat yang rawan bencana karena memang terletak di tiga lempeng yang kerap sekali bergerak.

Samosir island

This is an island inhabited by humans. To reach this area, native friends must travel with several ships that can be reached from the mainland of this region. On Samosir Besar Island native friends will be presented with the original Toba Batak traditional house.

Here there are also stories that are quite mystical and there are graves sacred by the residents. There are stone cemeteries and traditional villages that are still very well maintained. Here also native friends will be taken to visit the unique and impressive ancient Toba culture.

In the Tomok area, you will find some unique Batak crafts. Here also native friends will be entertained with the tradition of Toba which is still held in high esteem and buy hand woven typical red scarves that have high quality.

In this place there is also a Batak Museum located in Balige. Where mative friends will understand the real Batak culture and complete peeling. Don't forget to bring a camera so that every moment in this region can be enjoyed and enshrined in photos and images.

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Author: admin
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