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Indonesian tourist spots - Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih Bandung is a crater produced from the eruption of Patuha Mountain. The name White Crater refers to land which in fact is white. The white color of the soil is caused by several elements which are mixed with sulfur. What is unique about this crater is the water it has, where the water in the crater is not clear but is greenish white. One of the tourist attractions in Bandung, the water can change according to sulfur content, temperature, and weather that occurred at that time.

Kawah Putih Bandung is located in the highlands of the mountain region which is approximately 2,400 dpml. Because it is on a high plateau this makes the temperature of the white crater in Bandung very cold. The average temperature in the region is 8 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Enchantment of White Crater Ciwidey Bandung
Because of its enchanting beauty and romance, this crater is often used as a photography, film, painting and pre-wedding background.

Not only as a romantic venue, but the Bandung White Crater is also used as a venue for other challenging activities such as hiking and horse riding.

Facilities at Kawah Putih Bandung
This facility is provided so that every visitor who comes to feel comfortable and can enjoy the beauty of the crater panorama. Existing facilities are very adequate, including;

information Center
Islamic Prayer Room
Food stalls and restaurants
Transportation from the gate to the location
Parking area is quite large
If you plan to take a vacation to White Crater Bandung, it's good to know in advance the needs of accommodation and also transportation used, such as lodging, entrance ticket, type of public transportation, location and others. And below, there is complete information about the needs that must be considered before leaving, so you know how much allowance to prepare.

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Author: admin
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