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Indonesian tourist spots - Bromo Mountain


Mount Bromo, who doesn't know the popularity of this active volcano. Mount Bromo is the most famous mountain in East Java with the most crowded visits every year.

Mount Bromo has an altitude of 2,392 meters above sea level and is in four districts, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang and Malang Regency. The natural state of Mount Bromo is also intertwined with valleys, canyons, caldera or sea of ​​sand with an area of ​​about 10 Km.

Mount Bromo is also included in one area of ​​Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, where there are several tourist attractions that can be visited such as Mount Semeru, Mount Tengger, Mount Batok, several lakes and Mount Bromo itself.

As a volcano that is still active, Mount Bromo has experienced eruptions at regular intervals within 20 centuries, which is about 30 years. The biggest eruption occurred in 1974 and erupted again in 2010.

Besides the beauty that is stored on Mount Bromo, Yadna Kasada or Kasodo Ceremony is what makes Mount Bromo the main destination every year. The Kasodo ceremony is held annually on the full moon in December or January.

The origin of Kasodo's ceremony dates back to the 15th century where it was told of a daughter named Roro Anteng who led the Tengger kingdom with her husband, Joko Seger. This couple did not have children and therefore they prayed and begged the mountain gods to give their children.

From their request, the god gave 24 children and obliged them to sacrifice their 25th child to be thrown into the volcano. Even this demand for gods has become a tradition to this day. The Tengger people perform the Kasada ceremony by throwing the produce into the Bromo crater as a thanksgiving for the harvest received and as a request for a more abundant harvest in the following season.

Even though it is full of danger, there are some locals who take the risk of going up and down to the crater in an attempt to recover the sacrificed items that are believed to bring good luck.

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