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Indonesain Food - Rendang

This world-famous Indonesian food is included in the list of 50 World's Most Delicious Dishes or 50 Most Delicious Foods. Normally, rendang will be made from beef with a spicy flavor, because one of the spices is chili. But gradually over the development of people's tastes, various rendang appear not only from beef, because there are already chicken rendang, duck, and beef liver. To cook rendang, the manufacturing time can be for hours, it can be said to be almost 4 hours until it dries completely.

To make it also requires coconut milk, and this coconut milk must be cooked with meat and spices such as chili, turmeric, ginger, galangal, onion, lemongrass, garlic, and other ingredients. After drying, the new rendang can be served, whether it's with ketupat or a side dish of rice to be used as the main food. As authentic Padang food, making rendang is widely served in all Padang restaurants, even in simple food stalls many sell it.

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Author: admin
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