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Indonesian Food - Tahu Gejrot

In West Java, especially the Cirebon area, which is actually the area of ​​origin, there is a special food called Tahu Gejrot. As the name implies, these preparations are made using tofu, but know what is used is not the tofu that we have known so far, but know the sumedang. Quite strange indeed, food from Cirebon but the ingredients are from Sumedang, but this indicates a culinary acculturation between one region and another. In full, gejrot tofu is a culinary tofu from Sumedang with its presentation along with its sweet spicy sauce.

In making the year, before frying it must be soaked in salt water, of course, to give the impression of savory salty taste. After finishing cooking the tofu will be cut into small pieces, and will be poured with the sauce, the ingredients of the sauce are red chili, green chili, cayenne pepper, brown sugar, onion, sour water, and sweet soy sauce. This sweet and spicy food can easily be found in Cirebon, or in big cities, such as Jakarta, Bandung, and Malang.

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Author: admin
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