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Indonesian tourist spots - Kawah Ijen

Blue fire or blue fire Kawah Ijen Banyuwangi, East Java is a rare phenomenon that only has two in the world. Apart from only being in Ijen Crater Banyuwangi, this blue fire phenomenon is found in Iceland. This rare blue fire phenomenon can of course only be seen at night.

The climbers will definitely be willing to climb when it's early morning. Usually the climbers start climbing to Ijen Crater since 01.00 WIB in the morning. During the weekend, the climbers' visit to Ijen Crater increased by around 3,500 to 4,000 people.

To be able to reach Banyuwangi by plane, you can take an airplane route to Belimbing Sari Airport, Banyuwangi. The airport is the closest access to Ijen Banyuwangi Crater. You can also buy cheap airline tickets at Reservasi.com. Apart from Ijen Crater, the closest tourist destination is also the Nasonal Baluran Park which has African savanna fields.

Even now Mount Ijen Nature Park and Alas Purwo National Park, Banyuwangi, East Java have been designated as World Biosphere Reserves by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The two biological sites are incorporated in the Blambangan Biosphere Reserve along with Meru Betiri National Park and Baluran National Park which are located in tandem with Banyuwangi,

Blambangan Biosphere Reserve covers an area of ​​678,947.36 hectares divided into three zones, namely the core area covering 127,855.62 hectares covering three national parks (Alas Purwo National Park, Baluran National Park, and Meru Betiri National Park) and one Nature Reserve, Ijen Crater ; buffer zone covering 230,277.4 hectares; and the transition area of ​​320,814.34 hectares.

What makes one of the other attractions in Ijen Crater is the activity of the miners who carry tens of kilograms of sulfur. Their efforts are so much highlighted by the media at home and abroad. With dangerous conditions they still earn a living even though they have to bet their lives inhaling poisonous air from Ijen Crater.

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