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Indonesian tourist spots - Fort Marlborough

Marlborough Fort Bengkulu is the largest fortress in Asia which incidentally is a relic of the British Government at the time of colonialism several years ago. This fortress initially served as a defense. But as time went on, this building turned function into the center of trade.

Fort Marlborough has its own power because in addition to being rare, the design of the fort building is also still original without significant renovations, typical designs in the 17th century. The proximity of the location of this old building to the beach, makes it a blend of nature and culture that runs dynamically.

Besides being a tourist place, Fort Marlborough can also be used as a reference for conducting research on history. Every tourist who visits this historical place can take the time to visit Paderi beach and Zakat beach which is located not far from Fort Marlborough.

Around Fort Marlborough there is a very unique bridge. Where this bridge is shaped like a tail that can be removed from the tide. The shape of the outer wall building is also still natural, looks like a ditch.

Function of Rooms and Buildings in Fort Marlborough

Bastion Is an indented building located in every corner of the building. The function of this building is to attack the enemy by not revealing himself.


Revaline is a building above a trench that has three angles. The building is connected with a fort through a bridge.

Detention Room

The detention room is one of the most sinister castings of Fort Marlborough Bengkulu. This room serves as a place to accommodate prisoners during the colonial period.


The place used to store weapons equipment by the British government, which included the cannon.

Some cannons

An English weapon that was used for war. There are 4 cannons placed in separate places, namely two cannons placed on the north and the other two placed on the east.


Inside Fort Marlborough there is a tunnel with a width of 2 meters and a length of approximately 6 meters. This tunnel is built underground and serves as a safe path to get in and out of the fort. It is said that based on the news circulating, this tunnel was initially very long. Even the end of the tunnel has several branches that end at Paderi beach, Zakat Beach and the Governor's Palace. And as time went on, this tunnel was covered in land and what was left was only 6 meters long.

History of Fort Marlborough Bengkulu
Fort Marlborough is a legacy of the British Government when it controlled the Bengkulu area. The building was founded in 1713 until 1719, by the East India Company (EIC) and the Governor who was leading at that time was Joseph Collet.

The name "Marlborough" itself was taken from the name of the British invaders, whose full name was Duke of Marlborough I. The British government at that time occupied this area in 1685 until 1825, or about 25 years.

The Marlborough span of Bengkulupada was originally built on a hill, and is said to be the strongest fort among other British colonial buildings.

Fort Marlborough Mystery

It has become a common rumor for the people of Bengkulu about the strange story that often happens in Fort Marlborough, where irregularities often occur which are still a mystery.


Some visitors who were walking downstairs admitted that they were often shown a young man with his feet in the chain and in the pasung. The condition and condition of the underground of Fort Marlborough is indeed humid, and according to supernatural experts the place of the valley is indeed often the place for the subtle creatures to stop.

Sound of footsteps

Not a few also the visitors who entered the Fort Marlborough Bengkulu claimed that they were often heard by the sound of footsteps. As if there was someone walking, but when it was seen there was no one.

Bad odor

In addition to the appearance of fine creatures and footsteps, the mystery that is most often experienced by every visitor who comes is a foul odor. The stench caused resembles an animal carcass. However, in reality there was no carcass inside the Fort Marlborough Bengkulu building.

The Liaison Door of the Unseen Realm

Based on several outstanding issues, it is said that in the Fort Marlborough Bengkulu there is a door to the magical world. There are 3 entrances scattered in different locations, namely under the bridge, the prison room, and the gate entrance.

"Maybe" just a strange incident that often appears indicates the events that have occurred in the past.

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