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Indonesian tourist spots - Ujung Kulon

Ujung Kulon National Park was established in West Java in 1992 with the main goal of protecting rhinos and bulls. This national park has an area of ​​120.551 ha, and is the main place for WWF-Indonesia's protected animal program.

Ujung Kulon National Park has a very significant part of the sea and there is a connection between fishing activities and rhino protection. Due to a decrease in income due to massive fishing and destruction of coastal habitats, coastal communities then began to encroach on protected forest areas and turn native vegetation into agricultural land. This results in a reduction in important rhino habitat.

WWF-Indonesia also supports the implementation of a joint patrol system on the sea and coast around the national park to stop destructive fishing, with the aim that coastal communities can continue their livelihoods at sea. Furthermore, based on coral observations, coral rehabilitation efforts are currently underway.

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Author: admin
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