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Indonesian tourist spots - Derawan islands

Places and attractions in Indonesia are not only centered on a few places. For example, Bali, which is already famous all over the world, or the king of Ampat Papua, which is known by many tourists, is a world paradise that has never been touched by modernization.

As well as the city of Jogjakarta which is considered a place of cultural tourism as well as education, which certainly becomes the pride of the people of Indonesia to have a classic and unique place like those cities.

But it turns out, the island of Borneo which is considered to contain only swamps and mangrove forests full of mosquitoes turns out there are beautiful tours that are rarely visited and known by tourists. One of them is the Derawan beach located in the Berau district of East Kalimantan province.

Derawan Island

If it is related to Indonesia, it is not uncommon for us to mention tourist attractions in the form of islands. Because our country is an archipelagic country, it is not uncommon for beautiful tourist attractions to be found in the form of islands.

But the waters surrounding the island also vary. There are high-flow and danger, some are calm and safe, and display undersea beauty that is unmatched. Because of the large flow and flow of water that passes through Indonesia, the marine biota and animals and plants that are available are very diverse. One of them is on this Derawan island.

Derawan Island is located right on the Derawan Islands, Derawan District, Berau Regency, of course East Kalimantan Province. For the area, it is quite wide with a flat topography so don't worry about the trip or the area being comfortable or not.

Derawan is also located in the middle of the sea and is only 1.3 hectares. Derawan Island has 31 islands and there are several islands found in the northern peninsula of the sea, namely long islands, raburabu islands, samama islands, sangalaki island, kakaban island, nabuko island, maratua island and Derawan island and some coral scorches, namely gosong muaras, pinaka, buliulin, masimbung and tababinga.

Tourism on Derawan Island

Because mainly Derawan island is surrounded by the ocean, of course, mainstay tourism is a very beautiful underwater charm. Submarine charm that is not easily available and is not often reached by many people makes the landscape of Derawan island still clean.

The beach has a stretch of white sand with rows of coconut trees on the coast of the coast. Of course this spoils the tourists who want to relax on the beach or island with beautiful scenery. As far as the eye could see there was only sea and blue water. But with the shape of your island, don't worry too, because there are several tourist attractions that can be done.

Fisheries and marine affairs

If you are curious about what sea turtle eggs are and aquaculture done by the Derawan community, you can visit the place directly. There you can go on educational tours by looking at turtle conservation, where turtles are treated and then released again when they are old enough.

This reduces the possibility of turtles dying when hatching. There are also you can see fishing activities in the sub-district of Derawan which is the main livelihood of fishing in the sea.


Like other swamp areas, Berau also has mangrove forests. mangrove is indeed very important because it can prevent abrasion or erosion by sea water in the plains and beaches. In addition, mangrove forests have also been difficult to find.

Generally this forest is the center of the environment and ecosystem of many animals and plants. You can walk along using the boat, of course, to see what peace is like in a mangrove forest. but must be careful because many wild animals are quite dangerous.

Coral reefs

This third tour includes underwater tours that must be done by tourists if it comes to Derawan. The fact that the data says Derawan has a wealth of biodiversity and is also a place for living coral reefs, which ranks second only to the Raja Ampat Islands.

Of course this is very proud. Because Derawan proves that they can live side by side with coral reefs and fish without destroying them. That way it is also used as a tourist tour for entertainment and for education.

Derawan island transportation

For those of you who are from outside East Kalimantan, of course you have to fly and land in the East Kalimantan capital, Balikpapan. Then from Balikpapan you can go to Tarakan or Ke Berau back by flight.

If it passes Tarakan, of course the price is cheaper while Berau is rather expensive. When it arrived in Tarakan, the crossing took a while, while from Berau the crossing was not long and many ships were serving.

If you travel via land then you can go to Balikpapan from your city. specifically if you are from Samarinda then you can use travel from Samarinda to Tanjung Redeb for 300,000 and tanjung redzeb to tanjung batu for 100,000 from there you can use a speedboat for 100,000 rupiah. For flight and other prices all depends on your order when on vacation or not, or during high season or not.

Lodging on Derawan Island

You can't go far and your long journey home. Relax, there are many resorts to cheap homestays that you can enjoy. For homestays it starts around 75,000 per night and for cottages built on the sea you can spend around 250,000 per night and resorts that start above 1 million rupiah per night.

If you want to be more expensive then you can rent a villa with a lot of contents. The rate is 660,000 per person per night.

If you don't want trouble, then you can look for packages that offer tour packages. Generally for a few days and at least 2 people. For more or more renting packages, it is better and cheaper. Generally the pocket needed is around 1,500,000 per person and starts from the airport for the cheapest package.

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