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Dry Bag

Use and Benefits of DryBag for Outdoor Lovers and Water Sports

Many people today don't know what DryBag is and what its functions and uses are. Actually DryBag prioritizes the functions and benefits of fashion and style. However, along with the development of technology and fashion, the DryBag model and type are now various and the model follows the needs and needs of each person.

DryBag dry form is a cylindrical shape like a tube, the top is folded a minimum of 3x and locked, without any zipper or other cover. With PVC or Tarpaulin material, the air inside the bag is trapped and cannot come out, so the bag expands if it falls in the air, and it looks like gallon air. For ordinary people, PVC or tarpaulin materials are more or less the same as rubber boats or banana boats, only the thickness that distinguishes them.

If we travel, travel, or water sports, we definitely bring our needs, whether electronic devices or other needs. The average Indonesian has 2 mobile devices, or 1 power bank, pocket camera or SLR for capturing moments, food, medicines, GPS, wallets, money or flashlights and matches. All these objects are for travelers if damaged or wet air is damaged. Usually, if it rains or hangs on a small boat, the average person who saves it in a shopping plastic bag and is tied tightly and double.

So, here is the actual function of DryBag. You can see the video below. DryBag VS Trash Bag. This video explains, Why DryBag is very useful and very important for you and I who like outdoor activities and water sports.

And only all sports need bag products called DryBag. Whether you like Diving, Fishing, Beach Tourism, Rafting, Kayaking, Caving is now booming, or for Bikers who are currently in the rainy season in Indonesia. The point is DryBag that requires your valuables to compile, you do your activities or do your hobbies!

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Author: admin
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