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Indonesian tourist spots - Karimunjawa

KarimunJawa Tourism - Karimun Java Island is an archipelago in the middle of the Java Sea that belongs to Jepara District, Central Java. The overall Karimun Islands of Java consists of 27 islands and only 5 of them are inhabited.

Javanese Kerimun Islands offer beautiful and charming marine and natural tourism for domestic and foreign tourists.

The name Karimunjawa itself comes from a folktale around. It is said that Sunan Muria used to throw away his naughty son named Sheikh Amir Hasar to the kremun-kremun island in Javanese, which means vague.

Because the kremun-kremun looks, this island is called Karimun island and now the island is known as Karimunjawa.

The island which was made a National Park in March 2001 is home to coral reefs, mangrove forests, coastal forests and hundreds of marine fauna species, of which more than 200 species are ornamental fish. The archipelago is also home to several rare animals such as the White Chest Sea Eagle, hawksbill turtles and green turtles.

Another feature of these islands is the Dewandaru plant which is only found in these islands and does not exist anywhere else. You are not recommended to pick and bring home this plant when visiting Karimunjawa because according to the local folklore if you do it the boat you are riding will sink.

The majority of islands that have fine white sand do save natural beauty that always attracts tourists.

Location of Karimun Jawa

Karimunjawa Islands is located about 83 kilometers north of the city of Jepara. The islands can be reached by boat from both Semarang and Jepara. There are two choices of ships to reach the islands, fast boats and economic vessels.

Fast boats usually only depart once a week from the port of Tanjung Emas Semarang, usually every Saturday and return every Sunday afternoon with a duration of 2-3 hours. Economic ships usually depart once every two days from the port of Jepara Kartini Beach with a travel time of around 6 hours.

The cruise always depends on the weather and the waves of the Java sea. If the weather and waves do not support, then the transportation party can delay or cancel the voyage to the islands.

In addition to using the ship, Karimunjawa islands can also be reached by plane from Ahmad Yani Semarang airport to Dewa Daru airport on Kemujan island with a travel time of about 30 minutes.

Among the two transportation options, the ship is a more popular choice among tourists.
Karimunjawa Islands are indeed very beautiful, with clear water and just white sand beaches that attract tourists.

Coupled with the abundance of marine animal species and some rare animals that can be seen in these islands, the attraction of the islands is increasing. With the maritime and natural beauty offered by Karimunjawa, these islands have several nicknames such as Holiday Island, Paradise of Java and Caribbean van Java.

Karimun Jawa Tourism Activities

Most people visit Karimunjawa to enjoy the beauty of the beach, the sea and the sea. Visitors often spend time diving, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, playing sand and enjoying the beauty of the sunset.

But in this archipelago there is also a tourist tracking mangrove forest in the village of Kemojan which is quite crowded.

Shark breeding on Menjangan Besar Island also attracts large interest in visitors to this island. Some other tourism in this archipelago are Legon Lele, Batu Karang Pengantin Beach, Barracuda Island, Nirwana Island, Karimunjawa Culinary Center, Karimunjawa Square, Ujung Gelam Beach, mangrove forests and many more.

Although it has a fairly high appeal, but the island does not stop to improve itself to attract more visitors. Here are some things that are planned to be developed or built in the Krimunjawa Islands:

Revamping Karimunjawa Square to be neat and not filled with street vendors.
Construction of a culinary center near Karimunjawa Square to facilitate street vendors who previously sold in the square.
Karimunjava Zoo Development
Construction of traditional villages with Jepara traditional houses
Construction of mini stadiums for sports activities
Providing submarines so that visitors who cannot scuba dive, snorkel and swim can still enjoy the underwater beauty of Karimjawa
Construction of submarine electrical cables and fiber optic capable for internet access in Karimunjawa

With the island's secluded and beautiful atmosphere, it's no wonder that many people make this place a place to escape and relax from all the busyness and fatigue of their daily lives.

Come, visit and enjoy the captivating Karimunjava

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