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Weda is a sub-district in Central Halmahera District, North Maluku, Indonesia. In the past, Central Halmahera was the capital of Soasiu, but in 2002, the government issued a law on the expansion of several regions in Indonesia, and the regency capital was moved from Soasiu to Weda.
There are still few tourists who know Weda Bay Marine Park in Halmahera, North Maluku Province, Indonesia. But this Weda Bay is the center of attention of the world when rare species of Walking Sharks (Hemisayllium halmahera) species of Bamboo Sharks from Indonesia are found in this remote area. Located in Central Halmahera, Weda Tengah District, Weda Bay offers amazing underwater scenery divers under breathtaking blue waters.
Located about 10 kilometers from the coastline, the top of the reef is in very good condition and very rich in fish life.

In addition to having an amazing underwater panorama with a variety of corals and natural coral reefs, In Weda Bay you can also find various types of fish, ranging from pygmy seahorses, tuna, dolphins, napoleon fish and also sharks and marine species others.

With steep underwater walls, black sand seas with majestic shallow coral garden creatures and a Japanese warship during the historic World War II in its calm currents, you can do super-beautiful, shallow dives.

Weda Bay Marine Park is the perfect place for beginners and very experienced to see everything beautiful under the sea of ​​Weda Bay. It's very difficult to find a better and more beautiful place to snorkel in the world.

Weda Bay Marine Park is located between the Bunaken Strait Valley in North Sulawesi and Raja Ampat in West Papua. So that Weda Bay can offer the best of the two best underwater worlds in Indonesia.

Here you can find shallow coral peaks to steep declines which are overwhelmed by strange and unique underwater life species that will amaze you. In addition to the underwater wonders, for those of you who are lovers of wildlife can also enjoy the Weda rainforest that is still beautiful and natural. Blue Habitat of Bridwing Bird of Paradise Wallace, Hornbills, Eagle, Cockatoo, Parrots, Merpati Buah, Merpati Nicobar and also Kuskus you can find in the Weda Rain Forest.

Visit Weda Bay, Halmahera

The closest airport to Weda Bay Marine Park is via Ternate Airport. There are flights every day from Manado, Makassar and Jakarta. From Ternate, it takes a 4-hour journey to Weda Bay by speedboat. The journey then continues to drive through beautiful forests and villages with unspoiled and charming views before you arrive at Weda Beach.

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Author: admin
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