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Indonesian tourist spots - RAJA AMPAT - INDONESIA

Raja Ampat tourism in Papua is one of the tourist sites that has gained world recognition. This location is very famous for its stunning underwater scenery, it is also supported by the development and full attention of the government.  

The added value possessed by Raja Ampat tourism is its underwater beauty. Lots of diving spots that will offer underwater beauty for those who really like the activity. Raja Ampat itself is one of the places for scuba diving in the World in Indonesia. Moreover, the diversity of marine life in this place is also very much. even this variety of coral species in Raja Ampat is one of the best coral groups in the world.

Another selling point that is owned by this place is the culture of its population which is still preserved well. This culture is one of the things that pretty much makes tourists from abroad feel comfortable and happy to visit the location. An area that is able to maintain the authenticity of the surrounding culture will be very possible to become one of the attractive tourist destinations. it is one of the advantages of cultural tourism.

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Author: admin
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